
TongaTime is taking a hiatus while this author focuses on her books … and eating pasta. You can find me at my author site, JLMcCreedy.com. In the meantime, enjoy the book trailer for the new, rhyming children’s picture book: Theodore, The Sloth Who Wants to Race, written by Dr. Sam and yours truly. Available on…

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A Note to Tonga

Seven months ago, Sam and I left the White Mountains of New Hampshire for a job assignment overseas. I have not written anything about that for several reasons. But this site is called Tonga Time, and now that I am ready to write, I don’t feel that I can write about anything until I pen…

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A Favorite Hike Called Mount Crag …

In the spirit of favorite things and all subjects Christmas-cheer related, I thought I’d share one of our favorite hikes in the Gorham area. Now, what makes a hike a favorite is obviously a subjective standard, but here are some of my criteria: (1) Not too long–as in, five miles or less. I am, alas,…

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Storytelling in the Time of COVID

Last week, I was invited to present for the Children’s Literacy Foundation (“CLiF”), a Vermont-based nonprofit that engages kids in reading and writing, with a focus on Vermont and New Hampshire schools and families. I love these folks! The only catch: Unlike most author presentations I’ve done to date involving children and teachers as audience…

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Guam Flashback: A year ago today …

If one could imagine the most opposite place to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, it just might be the tropical waters and palm-tree lined streets of Guam. And since I’m a little fascinated with ironies, it’s fitting that, a year ago today when we still called Balikpapan, Indonesia our home, Sam and I thought…

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Hello, Mt Surprise … and so long snow shoes!

It has taken awhile, but it appears Spring finally decided to settle her toes in the North Country for at least a few weeks, and our recent hike to Mt Surprise made this gloriously clear. I’ve privately griped about the weather here since late March, when I thought winter was SUPPOSED to be over. Don’t…

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On Moving to the White Mountains of New Hampshire

When Sam and I announced a few months back that we were moving to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, most people said: “Why?!” And a choice few said, “You’re crazy!” When we explained that we were drawn to the magnificent outdoors, including more National Forest with hiking and cross-country skiing trails than we’d ever…

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Fat Biking in New Hampshire: Where to Fat Bike!

Fat biking on fat bikes (or fat tire bikes) is a new-ish winter sport gaining speed in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Basically, these things look like one of those silly Floridian water sport toys floating next to the ubiquitous banana boat: big, goofy tires and a frame that doesn’t quite seem in proportion….

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