Tongatapu, Tonga Volunteer Interview: Michael Hassett

Michael Hassett is a Peace Corps Volunteer currently serving in Ha’utu, Tonga.  Ha’utu is a tiny village on the southwestern side of Tonga’s main island, Tongatapu. So, what’s it like to move from Pittsburgh to the middle of Oceania where you will spend the next two years of your life integrating into a culture about…

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John O’Malley: Ha’apai, Tonga Volunteer Interview

Today’s post is an interview with Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John (“Sione” in Tongan) O’Malley, who served in Ha’apai from 2009 to 2012.  John is now wrapping up his service in Liberia where he works as a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, but he’s generously taken some time to answer questions about his time in Ha’apai,…

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